she did a degree in french 意味

  • フランス語で学位を取った


        she:    she 先方 せんぽう 彼女 かのじょ 同氏 どうし あの方 あのかた 彼奴 あいつ あの人 あのひと
        she's:    {1} : she is の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : she has の縮約形 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        did:     DID {略-1} : data item description データ品目明細書 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {略-2} : densely-inhabited district 人口集中地区 -------------------
        she she:    {名} :
        she-she:    {名} : 若い女
        french:     French n. フランス語. 【動詞+】 Excuse my French. 《婉曲》 こんな下品な言い方をして失礼 He has no French. フランス語ができない speak good French いいフランス語を話す. 【形容詞 名詞+】 Canadian French カナダフランス語 《主としてケベックと沿海州で
        he or she:     he or she 1 ?he or she . he or she 2 [hí??(r)?í?] 【代】 ((正式))[everybody,nobodyなどの不定代名詞,person,readerなどの性別不特定の語を総称的に受けて] (その)人《◆従来のheの代用語;時にshe or heともいう;?he ,?they ,he/she,s/he》.
        he/she:    {代名} : 彼または彼女は[が]
        lao she:    老舎
        not impossible she:    《the ~》恋愛{れんあい}の対象{たいしょう}になりそうな女性{じょせい}
        she cat:    {名} :
        she devil:    {名} :
        she dog:    {名} : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {自動} :
        she dragon:    {名} :
        she goat:    {名} :


  1. "she devoted the remaining twenty-six years of her life to princeton" 意味
  2. "she devotes all her spare time to her studies" 意味
  3. "she dictated a letter to me from her deathbed" 意味
  4. "she did a brilliant serve" 意味
  5. "she did a complete about-face and took the opposite position. 180" 意味
  6. "she did a good job of running the meeting" 意味
  7. "she did a hatchet job on me in the times" 意味
  8. "she did an admirable job of negotiating the buyout" 意味
  9. "she did an arabesque" 意味
  10. "she did a brilliant serve" 意味
  11. "she did a complete about-face and took the opposite position. 180" 意味
  12. "she did a good job of running the meeting" 意味
  13. "she did a hatchet job on me in the times" 意味

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